METU Graduate Program in Architectural History organizes meetings in order to bring students together with national and international schlars to discuss current historical research on architectural topics.
13. Architectural History Between Cultures: Theories and Methodologies
METU Graduate Program in Architectural History PhD Student Seminars
January 10-11, 2013 - Ankara, METU Faculty of Architecture, Kubbealti
January 10, Thursday
13:30-14:30 Welcome and Introduction
14:30-16:00 Faculty Presentations and Discussions
* Emma Dick (Middlesex U.), "The Places and Spaces of Textile Production" Bharain Mac an Bhreithiun (Middlesex U.), "€œNarratives of Place in Balkan Graphic Design: The Street Signs of Istanbul, Sarajevo and Bucharest"
* Ergin Cavusoglu (Middlesex U.), "Another Place. The Problem of Critique ,Generative Modes of Production, the ˜Regimes' and the Making of Art"
January 11, Friday
10:00-11:30 PhD Student Presentations and Discussions
* Alison Manley (Middlesex U.) "Burlington House" Christopher Warleigh-Lack (Middlesex U.) "John Carr of York: Understanding Eighteenth Century Architecture"
* O–zlem Mutlu (METU) "Framing Ottoman ˜Modernization: Space and Representation in the Photography Collection of Sultan Abdulhamid II"
13:30-15:00 PhD Student Presentations and Discussions
* Clare Barry (Middlesex U.) "From Here to Modernity: Architectural History and the Seaside Pier 1861-1951"
* Ahmet Erdem Tozoglu (METU) "Actors of Change: Railway Projects and the Transformation of Ottoman Balkan Cities at the End of the Nineteenth Century"
* Yesim Uysal (METU) "Architectural Practices and the State: State Office Buildings in Ankara, 1950-1980"
15:30-17:00 PhD Student Presentations and Discussions
* Harry Willis Fleming (Middlesex U.) "Two Towers: The Genius of Richard Cockle Lucas"
* Moira Bernardoni (METU) "The Social Production of Public Space in Istanbul: Urban Stories of Spatial Resistance"
* Shaun Martin (Middlesex U.) "Compressed Space Expanded: A Practice-Led Investigation"
17:00-17:30 Concluding Remarks
Special thanks to MESA Housing Industries Inc., Middlesex University and Middle East Technical University for their support.
12. Narratives of Travel Writing and Architectural History Nomad Seminars (November 8-9, 2012)
Organizers: Elvan Altan Ergut, Belgin Turan Özkaya
Seminar Coordinator: Carmen Popescu
November 8, Thursday
9:30-10:00 Welcome
10:00-11:30 Session I: Imagining Places Chair: Elvan Altan Ergut
Nikos Tsivikis (Center for Messenian Archaeological Studies, Athens)
“What is Byzantine? Travelers in Early 19th Century Morea (Peloponnese) and the Construction of Byzantine Architecture”
Elvan Cobb (Cornell University)
“The Role of Travel in the Establishment of the Architectural Photography Collection at Cornell University”
Anna Brzyski (University of Kentucky)
“From the Colonial Era to the Cold War: Henry Sienkiewicz’s Travels through Real, Imagined and Ideological Africa”
13:30-15:00 Session II: ‘Grand Tourists’ Chair: Ali Uzay Peker
13:30-15:00 Session II: ‘Grand Tourists’ Chair: Ali Uzay Peker
Emilio Mazza (IULM, Milan) & Edoardo Piccoli (Politecnico di Torino)
“True and False Philosophers in Tour: Lord Charlemont's Topography of Manners”
Tuğba Tanyeri Erdemir (Middle East Technical University)
“Archaeological Travels, Architectural Discoveries in the Ottoman Lands”
Sibel Acar (Middle East Technical University)
“Intersecting Routes of Architectural Photography, Travel, and Survey Books in Nineteenth Century”15:30-17:30 METU talks Architectural History 35: Book Launch
15:30-17:30 METU talks Architectural History 35: Book Launch
15:30-17:30 METU talks Architectural History 35: Book Launch
Can Bilsel (University of San Diego)
"Hegemonies and the Long Durée" A reading from the new book Antiquity on Display: Regimes of the Authentic in Berlin's Pergamon Museum (Oxford University Press, 2012)
Introduction by Belgin Turan Özkaya
November 9, Friday
10:00-11:30 Roundtable: Travels to Ottoman Lands
Nilay Özlü (Bosphorus University)
“One Palace, Multiple Narratives: Travel Accounts on the Topkapı Palace from 18th to 20th Century”
Betül Atasoy (İstanbul Technical University)
“The Impressions on Late Ottoman Architecture ‘within the framework of Istanbul’ through 19th Century American Travel Narratives”
Stefan Peychev (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
“Lost Architecture: Travel Literature and the Study of Bulgaria’s Ottoman Heritage”
Discussion by Ahmet Ersoy
13:30-15:00 Session III: Visiting Cities Chair: Namık Erkal
Sean Anderson (University of Sydney)
“Real Copies: Writing a Modern Colonial Asmara”
Elisa Poli & Giovani Avosani (University of Ferrara)
“Giorgio Bassani, the Garden of the Finzi-Continis”
Aslıhan Şenel (Istanbul Technical University)
“Away at Home: Making and Breaking the Identity of the Home City through Contemporary Guidebooks”
15:30-17:00 Session IV: Touring Architects Chair: Ali Cengizkan
M. Kemal Baran (Koç University)
“Different Modes of Recording in Karl Friedrich Schinkel’s Architectural Journey to Italy”
Daniela Ortiz dos Santos (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
“Le Corbusier and the Journey to Brazil in 1929: Readings, Voyages, Writings and Networking”
Denise Costanzo (Pennsylvania State University)
“Revisiting the Caput Mundi: Venturi’s Letters from Rome”
17:00-17:30 Concluding Remarks Moderator: Carmen Popescu
11. Ambivalent Geographies Workshop III: Interactions beyond Europe in Comparative Perspective (November 3-4, 2011)
This workshop explores the relations of the British with the Ottoman Empire and the nation-states established in the Middle East in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries in comparative perspectives that examine interactions of the region with other contemporary European states.
November 3
10:00-10:30 Welcome and Introduction
* Haluk Pamir (Dean, METU Faculty of Architecture, Turkey)
* Dana Arnold (Southampton University, UK)
10:30-12:00 Anglo/Ottoman-Turkish dialogues
* Tuğba Tanyeri Erdemir (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
"Between Two Worlds: Hormuzd Rassam in Oxford and in Mossul"
* Ahmet Ersoy (Bosphorus University, Turkey)
"Janissary Chic: Christopher Oscanyan’s Oriental and Turkish Museum"
* Sevil Enginsoy Ekinci (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
"Between Istanbul/Izmit and London/Manchester: Travelling People and Travelling Buildings"
14:00-15:00 Reports on Current Research
* Belgin Turan Özkaya (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
* Elvan Altan Ergut (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
15:00-16:00 Anglo/Middle Eastern dialogues
* Heba Farouk Ahmed (Cairo University, Egypt)
"The “Containment” of Egypt’s Modernity"
* Alona Nitzan Shiftan (Technion, Israel)
"A Green Belt Around Jerusalem's City Walls: A British Dream Comes True?"
>>> November 4
10:00-12:00 European/Ottoman-Turkish dialogues
* Paolo Girardelli (Bosphorus University, Turkey)
"Power and Leisure. Contextual Developments of the European Summer Embassies on the Upper Bosphorus"
* Cana Bilsel (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
"Metamorphosis of Izmir (Smyrna) in the Age of Industrialization: Local Entrepreneurship, Competing International Interests and Large-Scale Engineering Projects that Reshaped the Ottoman Port City"
* Bernd Nicolai (Universitaet Bern, Germany)
"Shifting Paradigms: German Speaking Architects and Townplanners and the Modernization of Turkey"
* Ela Kaçel (Bahçeşehir University, Turkey)
"Information or Culture: The Intellectual Dissemination of Americanism as Common Sense"
12:00-12:30 Concluding Remarks
* Dana Arnold (Southampton University, UK)
9:30-10:00 Welcome and Introduction
Dana Arnold (University of Southampton) * Elvan Altan Ergut (Chair, METU Graduate Program in Architectural History)
10:00-12:00 Presentations and Discussions
Karen Fielder (University of Southampton), Re-Imagining a Lost Country House: Coleshill House and the Canon of Architectural History
Alison Manley (University of Southampton), Burlington House, 1664-1854Clare Barry (University of Southampton), The British Seaside Pleasure Pier c.1832-1910
Clare Barry (University of Southampton), The British Seaside Pleasure Pier c.1832-1910
Zeynep Ceylanli (Middle East Technical University), The Ottoman Interior at the Turn of the Century: Princes’ Islands and Summer Residences
14:00-16:00 Presentations and Discussions
Christopher Warleigh Lack (University of Southampton), John Carr of York: Understanding an Eighteenth Century Architect
Harry Willis Fleming (University of Southampton), Thomas Hopper and the Architect’s Business
Özlem Mutlu (Middle East Technical University), Framing Ottoman “Modernization”: Space and Representation in the Photography Collection of Sultan Abdülhamid II
Pelin Gürol (Middle East Technical University) Displaying History and Identity: Archaeological and Ethnographic Museums in the Late Ottoman and Early Republican Periods
16:00-16:30 Concluding Remarks * Andrew Ballantyne, Newcastle University
9. Marie Curie ENGLOBE Project Dissemination Activity (October 15, 2011)
Enlightenment and Global History: The Culture of Enlightenment and/or Modernity in Turkey
Middle East Technical University Cultural and Convention Centre – Hall B, Ankara
The Culture of Enlightenment and/or Modernity in Turkey
09:30 -10:15
Aslı Çırakman, METU Department of Political Science and Public Administration
"From the Promise of Enlightenment to the Project of Modernity:
The Turkish Experience"
Oktay Özel, Bilkent U. Department of History
"How Enlightened was Ottoman Modernity?"
İlhan Tekeli, METU Department of City and regional Planning
"Urban Planning Experience in Turkey as a Modernity Project"
8. Architectural History Conference/Turkey I [1. Türkiye Mimarlık Tarihi Kongresi (20-22 Ekim 2010)] METU Culture and Conventon Centre
Organizers (in alphabtical order): Elvan Altan Ergut, Sevil Enginsoy Ekinci, Namık Erkal, Lale Özgenel, Ali Uzay Peker
Açılış Mesajı - Openning Message: Joseph Rykwert
Davetli Konuşmacı / Guest Lecturer: Dell Upton
Oturum 1: İDEOLOJİ - Session 1: IDEOLOGY
Başkan - Chair: Güven Arif Sargın
Murat Burak ALTINIŞIK "Birinci Ulusal Mimarlık Anlatısına Kemalettin Bey ve Vedat Tek Üzerinden Eleştirel bir Bakış Denemesi"
Nilay ÖZLÜ "A Historiographical Survey of Early Republican Architectural Discourse: The Case of Alexandre Vallaury"
Bülent BATUMAN "Disputing the Gaze of the State: Visual Representations of Ankara and the Making of Modern Subjects"
Ezgi YAVUZ, Baharak TABİBİ "Questioning the Paradoxes of “Other” Modernities: Uncovering Architecture in the Political Agenda of Iran and Turkey 1920-1940"
Baharak TABİBİ "Acculturating a Nation: Artistic Festivals and Cultural Revolution under the Pahlavis"
Oturum 2: ESKİÇAĞ - Session 2: ANCIENT PERIOD
Başkan - Chair: Tuğba Tanyeri Erdemir
Charles GATES "500 Years of Cilician Architecture: The Persian and Hellenistic Periods at Kinet Höyük"
Ömür HARMANŞAH "Places of Memory: Rock Reliefs and Spring Monuments in Ancient Anatolia"
Oya DİNLER "Constructing with the Pen: Experiencing Architecture through the Letters of Pliny the Younger"
Gudrun STYHLER-AYDIN "The Theatre of Ephesus – New Results of the Recent Building Archaeology in the Auditorium"
Füsun TÜLEK "Conical Domed Round Structures of the Deli Halil Settlement in Cilicia"
Oturum 3: TEKNOLOJİ - Session 3: TECHNOLOGY
Başkan - Chair: Ali Cengizkan
Sermin ÇAKICI, Pınar AYKAÇ "The Architectural Traces of 19th century Industrialization: Ayvalık Historic Depots Region"
Didem BOYACIOĞLU "Osmanlı Sanayi Mimarisinde Düzen Arayışları: “Fabrikalar Tesisine Dair Nizamname Tasarısı”
Haluk ZELEF "Deniz Kentleri, Deniz Uçakları"
Deniz GÜNER "Yitik İmkânın Peşinde; Elif Tuğlası’nın Üretilemeyiş Hikayesi"
Meltem ÖZKAN "İki Şehrin Dilemması: Geleneksel Osmanlı Şehri Safranbolu ve Cumhuriyet’in Endüstri Projesi Karabük’ün Kentsel Gelişim Örneği"
Oturum 4: ORTAÇAĞ - Session 4: MIDDLE AGES
Başkan - Chair: Ali Uzay Peker
Angela ANDERSEN "Architectural Form and Metaphor in the Imagery of Celal al-Din Rumi’"
Murat Kenan ŞENTÜRK "Monumental Tombs of Anatolian Seljuks: A Study in Memory and Architecture"
Nuri DÜLGERLER, Emin BAŞAR, Abdullah ERDOĞAN, S. Armağan KORUMAZ "Selçuklu Mimarlığında Devşirme Malzeme Kullanımı: Kuruçeşme Han Örneği"
Gülin PAYASLI-OĞUZ, Mücahit YILDIRIM, Emine DAĞTEKİN "Silvan'daki Tarihi ve Kültürel Mirasın Değerlendirilmesi"
Oturum 5: KONUT - Session 5: HOUSING
Başkan - Chair: Ayşıl Yavuz
Nezihat KÖŞKLÜK-KAYA "Buldan’da Tarihsel Süreçte Dokuma Üretiminin Geleneksel Konutu Dönüştürmesi"
Arzu ÖZTÜRK "Birecik, Suruç, Nizip ve Şanlıurfa Merkez’de Tarih içinde Kent ve Konut"
Ömer İskender TULUK "Bir Metinsel Arkeoloji Denemesi: Medîne-i Çorum Mahallâtında Veliyyüddin Paşa Evi ve Müştemilâtı"
Deniz DEMİRARSLAN "Safranbolu Yöresi Evi Örneğinde Anadolu Geleneksel Türk Evi Oda Dekorasyonunda Kullanılan Malzeme ve Tekniklerin İrdelenmesi"
Başkan - Chair: Lale Özgenel
Pelin YONCACI-ARSLAN "Searching for a Byzantine Forum: The Forum of Constantine in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries"
Paul E. KIMBALL "Civic Identity and Modular Design in Byzantine Ecclesiastical Architecture: From the Provinces to the Periphery "
Fatma Gül ÖZTÜRK "The Unusual Separation of Cappadocian Refectories and Kitchens: A Puzzle of Architectural History"
Burcu CEYLAN "Geç Antik Dönemde Yapı Üretimi ve Yapılı Çevreye Yasal bir Bakış"
Oturum 7: KENT - Session 7: CITY
Başkan - Chair: Sevgi Aktüre
Göksun AKYÜREK "Mid-Nineteenth Century Ottoman Re-Discovery of Constantinople: New Practices of Seeing the Architecture of the City"
Emiliano BUGATTI "The Late Ottoman Urban Scene – Obliterations and Permanences within some Multicultural Districts of Istanbul, Izmir and Salonica"
Malte FUHRMANN "Constructing the Façade of Ottoman Urban Modernity: The Star Architects of Istanbul, Salonica, and Izmir"
Elif ÇELEBİ, Can BİNAN "Goad ve Pervititch Haritaları Üzerinden Modernleşme Döneminde Açılan İstanbul’da Tarihi Yarımada (Eminönü) Otellerinin İncelenmesi"
Işıl UÇMAN-ALTINIŞIK "Modern Kentin Yeni Zamanı 'Gece', İstanbul ve Geç Osmanlı"
Hilal Tuğba ÖRMECİOĞLU, Aslı ER AKAN "An Archaeology of Technocratic Ideals in Turkish Modernity: History of Professionalization of Turkish Architects and Engineers in 19th and 20th Centuries"
Paola ARDIZZOLA "Bruno Taut's Works in Ankara"
Leyla ALPAGUT "Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nde Ernst Arnold Egli’nin “Geleneksel” Bir Yapısı: Atatürk Orman Çiftliği Bira Fabrikası Hamamı"
Mustafa Kaan SAĞ, Mustafa Çağhan KESKİN "Olası bir Seyfi Arkan Tasarımı: Kadıköy Vergi Binası Üzerine bir Kimlik Analizi"
Nurşen KUL "Kırsal Alanda Yeni Bir Yaşam Biçimi Modeli: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Köy Okulları"
Oturum 9: KORUMA - Session 9: CONSERVATION
Başkan - Chair: Güliz Bilgin Altınöz
Hilal AKTUR "Cumhuriyet Döneminde Malatya Ulu Camisi Onarımları"
Tuba AKAR "Anadolu’da Hıristiyanlık ve İslam Dönemlerinde Hayır Kurumlarının Yapılı Çevrenin Oluşumu ve Korunmasındaki Rolleri"
Halide SERT "Mimarlık ve Mühendislik Tarihi Açısından Anadolu Taş Köprülerine Bakış"
Oturum 10: KONUT - Session 10: HOUSING
Başkan - Chair: Cânâ Bilsel
Figen KAFESCİOĞLU, A. Derin ÖNCEL "Beyoğlu’nda, 19. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Osmanlı Konutu Mekan Organizasyonunda İzlenen Gelişim"
Nilgün KİPER, Semahat ÖZDEMİR "19. Yüzyılın Son Çeyreğinde İzmir’de Yoksulların Barınma Sorununa Çözüm Arayışları"
Martin BACHMANN "Alman Arkeoloji Enstitüsü’nün İstanbul’da Ahşap Konut Mimarisine İlişkin Çalışmaları"
Başkan - Chair: Ömür Bakırer
Cağla CANER-YÜKSEL "The Making of the Commercial Center in Tire (14th – 16th Centuries)"
Satoshi KAWAMOTO "After the Conquest: Edirne and Istanbul between Nomadism and Sedentarism"
Mustafa Çağhan KESKİN, Mustafa Kaan SAĞ "II. Bayezid Türbesi’nde Neobarok Bezemeler ve Geleneksel Yorumlar"
İsmet ŞAHİN "İstanbul’daki Sa’di Tekkeleri ve Davutpaşa Kadem-i Şerif Tekkesi"
Pınar AĞAR "Gaziantep Lala Mustafa Paşa Hanı"
Oturum 12: KENT - Session 12: CITY
Başkan - Chair: İlhan Tekeli
Nihal EKİN-ERKAN, Elif DALDENİZ "Türkiye Şehircilik Tarihine Kavramlarla Bakış"
Gülhan BİNGÖL "İzmir Kentinin Cumhuriyet Dönemi Kentsel Gelişme Sürecinde Park ve Yeşil Alanların Gelişimi"
Sıdıka ÇETİN, Pınar SAYLAM "Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminin Önemli bir Mekan Temsili Olarak Kent Parklarının İncelenmesi: Antalya (Karaalioğlu), Isparta, Burdur Kent Parkı Örnekleri"
Ülkü İNCEKÖSE "Kentsel Mekân Pratikleri ve Mekânın Tarihsel Sürekliliği: Bergama’da İki ‘Meydan’"
Tülin SELVİ-ÜNLÜ, Tolga ÜNLÜ "Doğu Akdeniz’de bir Liman Kentinden Cumhuriyet Modernleşmesinin Kentine: Mersin Halkevi ve Millet Bahçesi"
Başkan - Chair: Aydan Balamir
H. Günseli DEMİRKOL "A Reading on the Selection Process of the Atatürk Monument in the Site of the Turkish Assembly"
Oya ŞENYURT "1940-1960/ Modernleşme Eşiğinde İzmit"
İdil ERKOL "1950'ler Modernizminin Yapıları Üzerine bir İnceleme: Utarit İzgi Konutları"
Uğur TUZTAŞI "Bir Anadolu Kentinde Modernleştirmeci Bellekten Günümüze Kentsel Hafızanın Değişen Mimarî Nesneleri: Niğde’de Post-Modern Uygulamalar"
Başkan - Chair: Namık Erkal
Ceren KATİPOĞLU "Rereading Nineteenth Century Ottoman Mosque Architecture; Hamidiye and Aziziye Mosques in the Ottoman Provinces"
Marko KIESSEL, Asu TOZAN "The Decoration and Architecture of Church Buildings in Cyprus During the 19th and First Half of the 20th Centuries"
Burcu TÖZÜN-ORGAN "Osmanlı Kimlik Arayışının Mimarideki Etkilerine bir Örnek: Düyun-u Umumiye Binası"
Önder AYDIN "Sultan II.Abdülhamit Devri Yapılarında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nu Temsil Eden Semboller"
Başkan - Chair: Süha Özkan
Banu PEKOL "Türkiye’de Kültür Ürününün Metalaşması Işığında Mimari Miras"
Kemal Reha KAVAS "Assessing the Material Evidence of Architectural History: A Case Study of Mediterranean Rural Architecture"
Gevork HARTOONIAN "If I Could Write History out of Time!"
Oturum 16: KORUMA - Session 16: CONSERVATION
Başkan - Chair: Emre Madran
Şeyda GÜNGÖR-AÇIKGÖZ "Osmanlı Dönemi Kilise Yapım/Onarım Koşullarının Arşiv Belgeleri Işığında İncelenmesi"
Giorgio GASCO "The Beginning of Restoration Culture in Turkey (1933-1945): The Case Study of Edirne and its Surroundings"
Özlem KARAKUL "Searching Intangible Heritage in a Village: İbrahim Paşa"
7. Ambivalent Geographies Workshop II: East-West Dialogues in Middle Eastern Urban Experiences and Cultures (May 6-7, 2010) METU Faculty of Architecture
Organizers: Dana Arnold, Elvan Altan Ergut, Belgin Turan Ozkaya
This workshop explores the relations of the British with the Ottoman Empire and the nation-states established in the Middle East from the late eighteenth century onwards with a special emphasis on the changing urban experiences and cultures. The cases to be presented range from the Ottoman Empire (Ali Uzay Peker) to Jordan (Nabil Abu-Dayyeh), Lebanon (Sylvia Shorto), Saudi Arabia (Sumayah Al-Solaiman), and India (Andrew Ballantyne), and the papers will
discuss the urban and architectural (trans)formations in these contexts within the frame of the East-West dialogues.
>> May 6 Thursday
Welcome. Haluk Pamir - Dean of METU Faculty of Architecture
Introduction and Update on Ambivalent Geographies Project, Dana Arnold - University of Southampton, UK
Opening Lecture, "Learning from the Locals: Imperial Architectures in the Bungalow", Andrew Ballantyne - Newcastle University, UK
16:30-17:00 Discussion
>> May 7 Friday
10:00-10:30 "Lady Montagu and Celebi Mehmed Efendi on Eighteenth Century Culture", Ali Uzay Peker - Middle East Technical University, Turkey
10:30-10:45 Discussion
10:45-11:15 "The Popularization of Bentwood in Beirut", Sylvia Shorto - American University of Beirut, Lebanon
11:15-11:30 Discussion
11:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 "1955 British Master Plan for Amman", Nabil Abu-Dayyeh - University of Jordan, Jordan
14:00-14:15 Discussion
14:15-14:45 "From Architectural Discourse to Architectural History: The case of Riyadh", Sumayah Al-Solaiman - University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia
14:45-15:30 Discussion and Concluding Remarks, Dana Arnold - University of Southampton, UK
6. Ambivalent Geographies Workshop I: The Shaping of Aesthetic Dialogues between East and West (November 12-13, 2009)
5. Architectural History and Display (December 19-21, 2008)
4. Transitions into Modernity: New Readings in the Middle Eastern Intellectual History (June 26, 2008)
(organised jointly by The Centre for Asian and Middle Eastern Architecture, The University of Adelaide Graduate Program in Architectural History and Graduate Program in Middle East Studies, Middle East Technical University (METU) Ankara)
Ali Uzay Peker, Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture, "Design in the Age of Probing: Eighteenth Century Transformation in Ottoman Architecture"
Gül Kale, McGill University, History and Theory of Architecture, "Multicultural Interactions in Istanbul: Stories Revisited in an Ottoman Architectural Treatise"
Ian Coller, The University of Melbourne, School of Historical Studies, "Anomalous Spaces: Modernity, Identity and the Echelles du Levant
Nilay Kayaalp, Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Architecture, "Affirmation of ‘Novelty’ and the Concept of ‘Visibility’ "
Recep Boztemur, Middle East Technical University, "The Nineteenth Century Ideological Change in the Fertile Crescent"
Samer Akkach, The University of Adelaide, Centre for Asian and Middle Eastern Architecture, "The "Folks of Fairness" and their Intellectual Exchange: The Correspondence of 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (1641-1731)"
Samet Bagce, Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy, "Considering Modernity through the Standardisation of Time"
Dr. Hani M. Al-Huneidi, "The Urban Development of Damascus in the 17th Century"
3. Modern Architecture of the Interwar Period in Comparative Perspective (November 21, 2007)
- İnci Aslanoğlu, METU - “Modern Architecture in Turkey”
- Ivan Nevzgodin, TUDelft - “Modern Architecture in the USSR”
- Jan Molema, TUDelft - “Modern Architecture in the Netherlands”
2. Architectural History Workshop (May 2-4, 2007)
Dana Arnold, Southampton University
- (Auto)-Biographies and Space
- Making London’s Modernity: capital, memory and nature
- Panoptic visions, or possessing the metropolis
1. Ambivalent Geographies of Architectural History: ANKARA WORKSHOP on the late Ottoman and the Republican Periods in a Comparative Context (April 28, 2006)
- Opening Remarks, Suna Güven (Head of the Graduate Program in Architectural History, METU )
- Wendy Shaw, The Museum as Frame: Museum Architecture and the Framing of Art through Turkish Museums
- Elvan Altan Ergut (Dept. of Architecture, METU), Exhibiting (for) the “Nation”: Early Republican Buildings of Display in Ankara
- Haluk Zelef (Dept. of Architecture, METU), Representations of “Turkish Identity” Abroad: “West” in the “East”, “East” in the “West”
- Patricia A. Morton (Dept. of Art History, University of California), Representations of National Identity at World Fairs
- Doris Behrens-Abouseif (Dept. of Art and Archaeology, SOAS), Architectural Styles and Political Identity in Ottoman Egypt
- Stephen Legg (Dept. of Geography, University of Nottingham), Imperial Architecture and Colonial Improvement: Istanbul and Delhi
- Namık Erkal (Dept. of Architecture, METU), 19th Century Urban Transformations along the Istanbul Harbor: What Happened to the Golden Horn Fortifications?
- Cânâ Bilsel (Dept. of Architecture, METU), The Experience of Urbanism in Two Major Cities of Turkey in the Early Republican Period: Henri Prost’s Planning of İzmir and İstanbul
- Belgin Turan Özkaya (Dept. of Architecture, METU), What is in a Name? Thoughts on Ottoman Historiography
- Dana Arnold (Dept. of Archaeology, University of Southampton), Concluding Remarks