Selected Publications

ALTAN, E. T., ENGİNSOY EKİNCİ, S., PEKER, A.U., 1. Türkiye Mimarlık Tarihi Kongresi Bildirileri, Architectural History Conference/ Turkey, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, 2017, Ankara.

ALTAN, E. T., İMAMOĞLU, B., Cumhuriyet’in Mekanları Zamanları İnsanları, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayını, 2010, Ankara.

ALTAN, E. “‘Mimarlik Tarihi Arastirma Stüdyosu’ Çalismasinin Düsündürdükleri: Ankara’da Mimarlik, 1950–1980”, with Bilge Imamoglu, Mimarlik, 337, 2007.

ALTAN, E. “Presenting Ankara: Canonical Visions of Early Republican Architecture in Turkey”, in Dana Arnold, Elvan Altan Ergut, Belgin Turan Özkaya (eds.) Rethkinking Architectural Historiography, pp.151-168. Routledge, London and New York, 2006.

ALTAN, E. “Mapping Architectural Historiography”, with Belgin Turan Özkaya”, in Dana Arnold, Elvan Altan Ergut, Belgin Turan Özkaya (eds.) Rethkinking Architectural Historiography, pp.1-14. Routledge, London and New York, 2006.

ALTAN, E. “Modern Architecture in the Middle East: Beyond Tradition and Development”, with Belgin Turan Özkaya,DOCOMOMO Journal, September 2006, no.35, pp.24-29.

ALTAN, E. “Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Mimarlığı ve Modernleşme: Mesleğin Profesyonelleşmesi Sürecinde Yabancı Mimar Problemi ve Yarışmalar", Cumhuriyet'in 80. Yılında Türkiye Kültürü, der. Cana Bilsel, 73-84. Mimarlar Odası ve SANART Estetik ve Görsel Kültür Derneği Yayınları, Ankara, 2007.

CANER, C., & YONCACI, P., “(Re)reading the Grand Ceremonial Hall in the Dolmabahçe Palace”, Power and Culture: New Perspectives on Spatiality in European History, ed. P. François, T. Syrjämaa, and H. Terho, 45-72, Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Press (AAUP), Pisa

ERZEN, J. “Ecology, Art, Ecological Aesthetics”, in Heike Strelow, ed. Ecological Aesthetics,ed., Birkhauser, Basel, Berlin, 2004, pp.22-25.

ERZEN, J. Fotograf Notlari, Say Yayinlari, 2004, Istanbul.

ERZEN, J. “Cultures in Transition and Aesthetic Modes”, in K. Nishimura, et. al. eds. Selected Papers of the 15th International Congress of Aesthetics, ed. Tokyo 2003, pp 45-53.

ERZEN, J., YONCACI, P., eds., Sanat ve Bilim/Sanat ve Sosyal Adanmışlık, (Ankara: Turkish Chamber of Architects Press), 2007.

ERZEN, J., YONCACI, P., eds., Sanat ve Çevre, (Ankara: Turkish Chamber of Architects Press), 2007.

ERZEN, J., YONCACI, P., eds., Türkiye’de Modern Sanat ve İslam Estetiği, (Ankara: METU Press), 2007

GÜVEN, S. “Building the Past in Ankara from Augustus to Atatürk” in Perceptions of the Past in the Turkish Republic (Classical and Byzantine Periods), Brill (forthcoming).

GÜVEN, S. “Frontiers of Fear: Architectural History, the Anchor and the Sail” in Rethinking Architectural Historiography, eds. Dana Arnold, Elvan Altan Ergut, Belgin Turan Özkaya, London and New York, Routledge, 2006, pp. 74-81.

GÜVEN, S. “Antik Çagda Küreyerellesme: Urfa’da Temsil ve Bellek Tasarimi”, Türk(iye) Kültürleri, pp. 520-540, Tetragon Yayinlari, 2005, Istanbul.

GÜVEN, S. “Mimarlik Tarihi ve Antik Dönem Açilimlari” Eskiçag’in Mekanlari, Zamanlari, Insanlari, ODTÜ Mimarlik Tarihi Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Programi Doktora Arastirmalari Sempozyumu III, 2-3 Haziran 2003, ODTÜ, Ankara, der. Lale Özgenel, ODTÜ Mimarlik Fakültesi ve Homer Kitabevi, Istanbul, 2005, pp.15-29

GÜVEN, S. “Mimarligin Ilk Kurami”, Sanat Dünyamiz, no.90, 2004, pp.176-183.

KATİPOĞLU, C., YAVUZ, E., TABİBİ, B., Mekanlar/ Zamanlar/ İnsanlar: Hamilik ve Mimarlık Tarihi, Spaces/ Times/ Peoples: Patronage and Architectural History, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, 2016, Ankara.

KUTLUAY, Pınar. Tuğba İnan, Ufuk Ersoy, Tahsin Başaran, ‘‘Türkiye’den Dünyadan Örnekler Işığında Çift Cidarlı Cephenin Gelişimi [The Evolution of Double Skin Facades under the Light of Examples from Turkey and the World].’’ in 12th HVAC&R Congress (TESKON 2015) and Teskon+SODEX Exhibition, 8-11 April 2015, Tepekule Convention and Exhibition Center, İzmir, in 12th HVAC&R Congress (TESKON 2015) Proceedings, İzmir, pp. 2249-2263.

KUTLUAY, Pınar. ‘‘On the Way to Autonomous Wall: Cage Structure’’ ARCHTHEO 2013, Theory of Architecture Symposium, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, December 4-5, 2013, Creativity, Autonomy, Function in Architecture ARCHTHEO 2013 Proceedings, Ed. Neslihan Çıtak and Efe Duyan. İstanbul: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Publishing, 2013, pp. 237-241.

ÖZGENEL, L., Spaces/ Times/ Peoples: Domesticity, Dwelling and Architectural History, Mekanlar/ Zamanlar/ İnsanlar: Evsellik, Ev, Barınma ve Mimarlık Tarihi, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, 2016, Ankara.

ÖZGENEL, L. “Public Use and Privacy in Late Antique Houses in Asia Minor: The Architecture of Spatial Control”, in L. Lavan, L. Özgenel and A. Sarantis eds. Housing in Late Antiquity: From Palaces to Shops (Brill 2007), 239-281.

ÖZGENEL, L. (with H. Elton, M. Jackson, G. Mietke, J. Newhard, and E. Twigger), “A New Late-Roman Urban Centre in Isauria”,Journal of Roman Archaeology 19 (2006), 300-311.

ÖZGENEL, L.“Late Antique Domestic architecture in Lycia: An Outline of Archaeological and Architectural Evidence”, in K. in K. Dörtlük eds. The Third Symposium on Lycia, Symposium Proceedings, (Antalya 2006), 557-572.

ÖZGENEL, L. Eskiçağ’ın Mekanları, Zamanları, İnsanları, Spaces, Times and People of the Ancient World, Proceedings of the III. Graduate Studies Symposium, Homer and ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, 2005, İstanbul. 

ÖZGENEL, L. (editor) Eskiçag’in Mekanlari, Zamanlari, Insanlari (Spaces, Times and People of the Ancient World, Proceedings of the III. Graduate Studies Symposium, June 2003, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey) (Istanbul, Homer and METU 2005).

ÖZGENEL, L. “Antik Yunan Konut Yazini: Kaynaklar, Sorunlar ve Yeni Yaklasimlar Üzerine bir Degerlendirme”, (The Literature on Ancient Greek Domestic Architecture: an Evaluation of Sources, Problems and New Approaches), OLBA 2005: XIII (Journal of the Mersin University Research Center of Cilician Archaeology), 199-220.

PEKER, A.U., - ÖZDENGİZ, B., "Szuleymán szultán türbe-palánkja Szigetváron a 2015/2016-os ásátasok épitészeti vizsgálatai alapján," Szulejmán Szultán Szigetváron a Szigetvári Kutatások 2013-2016 Kösöt, N. Pap – Fodor, P. (Pécs, 2017) 131-161.

PEKER, A. U., “Reconstruction of Memory and Memorials in Szigetvár,” Memory of Place in Architecture and Planning (Konya Selçuk University, 2017) 91-104.

PEKER, A. U., “Architectural Technology in History Class,” Innovative Approaches in Architecture and Planning (Konya Selçuk University, 2014) 398-409.

PEKER, A. U., “Architectural Transformations in Mediaeval Anatolia (With Special Reference To Central Asia),” Byzantine Culture, Dean Sakel (ed.), (Ankara: TTK, 2014) 279-92.

PEKER, A. U., “Anadolu’da Selçuklu Mimarisi ve Kayseri Gevher Nesibe Darüşşifası Örneği,” Anadolu Selçuklu Uygarlığının İzinde, M. B. Tanman (ed.) (Kayseri: Kayseri Belediyesi, 2014) 105-27.

PEKER, A. U. 2000’den Kesitler I: Osmanlı’da Mekanlar/ Zamanlar/ İnsanlar, Doktora Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, 2002, Ankara.

PINAR, E. “Across the Traces: Lawrence Jordan’s Animated Documents.” Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal 15, no. 1 (March 2020): 6-21.

PINAR, E. “Site-specific Protest: Liberate Tate’s Performances at Tate Modern.” METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 36, no. 2 (December 2019): 29-44.

PINAR, E. “Yüzüncü Yılında Bauhaus: Kurgular / Söylemler / Tarihsellik.” Dosya 44 (Aralık 2019): 1-12.

PINAR, E. “Bauhaus’un 100. Yıl Etkinliklerine Küresel ve Azınlıkçı Çerçevelerden Bir Bakış.” Mimarlık 407 (Mayıs-Haziran 2019): 22-24.

PINAR, E. “Sanatsal Mekân / Mekânsal Sanat.” In İnci Aslanoğlu için bir Mimarlık Tarihi Dizimi, edited by Elvan Altan and Sevil Enginsoy Ekinci, Ankara: ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, 2019.

PINAR, E. “Restricted Access: Media, Disability, and the Politics of Participation by Elizabeth Ellcessor.” Film Criticism 41, no. 3 (Summer 2017).

PINAR, E. “The Futurist Myth of Accelerated Subjectivity: Speed in Umberto Boccioni’s Works.” In Mobility and Fantasy in Visual Culture, edited by Lewis Johnson, 80-86. London: Routledge, 2014.

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B., GÜNER, Spaces/ Times/ Peoples: Gender, Sexuality and Architectural History, Mekanlar/ Zamanlar/ İnsanlar: Cinsiyet, Cinsellik ve Mimarlık Tarihi, ODTÜ, 2020, Ankara.

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. Itinerant Objects: British Museum and the Ottoman Response to Antiquity (book project, work-in-progress).

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. Aldo Rossi and the Art of Connecting, forthcoming, solicited by Infolio.

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. “The object of archaeology: from ‘marbles’ to the archaeological landscape” forthcoming in Proceeding, International Conference, Actual Problems of Theory and History of Art VII, 11-15 October 2016, Saint Petersburg (with Yavuz Özkaya).

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. “Travel,” special issue, Architectural Histories: The Open Access Journal of the EAHN, co-edited with Davide Deriu and Edoardo Piccoli, (June 2016).

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. "Ambivalent Architectures from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic," special issue, New Perspectives on Turkey, No.50, co-edited with Elvan Altan Ergut, (Spring 2014).

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. "Osman Hamdi Bey and the Americans: Archaeology, Diplomacy, Art; Scramble for the Past: A Story of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire, 1753-1914; Artamonoff: Picturing Byzantine İstanbul, 1930-1947," Exhibition Review in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 73, No. 3, (September 2014): 439-442 (with Elvan Altan Ergut).

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. "Transpositions on the Edge of Europe: Ambivalence and Difference in Architecture"' special isssue, Journal of Architecture 16/6, co-edited with Elvan Altan Ergut, (December 2011).

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. “Spaces of Vision: Architecture and Visuality in the Modern Era,” Architectural Theory Review, 12/1, August 2007, Routledge, London and New York. 2-7.

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. “Mapping Architectural Historiography” with Elvan Altan Ergut in Dana Arnold, Elvan Altan Ergut, Belgin Turan Özkaya (eds.) Rethkinking Architectural Historiography, pp.1-14. Routledge, London and New York, 2006.

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. “Modern Architecture in the Middle East: Beyond Tradition and Development”, with Elvan Altan Ergut,DOCOMOMO Journal, September 2006, no.35, pp.24-29.

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. “Theaters of Fear and Delight: Ottomans in the Serenissima,” in After Orientalism: Critical Entanglements, Productive Looks, Inge Boer (ed.), Amsterdam, New York, NY: Rodopi, 2003, 45-63.

TURAN ÖZKAYA, B. “Reaestheticizing the Discipline: Aldo Rossi and the Triumph of ‘Autonomous Architecture’,” Harvard Design Magazine, 17, Fall 2002, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA. 72-78.

YONCACI ARSLAN, P. “Selahattin Yazıcı Arşivi ve Dijital Arşivde İyi Komşuluk” Düşünme ve Görselleştirme Aracı Olarak Türkiye’de Mimari Maket - 20. Yüzyıldan bir Kesit, ed. Pelin Derviş, Müşterek Yapım: İstanbul, 2020, pp.402-410.

YONCACI ARSLAN, P. “On the Same Page: 30 years of Architectural History at METU” Exhibition Review, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 36:2, 2019, pp.251-254.

YONCACI ARSLAN, P. “Kitabın Performası ya da Basılı Bilginin Haritalanması Üzerine,” Dosya 42, Mimarlar Odası Ankara Şubesi, 2019, pp. 39-48.

YONCACI ARSLAN, P. “Registrars of Urban Movement in Constantinople: Monumental Columns and the Mese,” Annual of Istanbul Studies, 7, 2018, pp. 7-29.

YONCACI ARSLAN, P. “Towards a new honorific column: The Column of Constantine in early Byzantine urban landscape,” METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 33:1, 2016, pp.121-145.

YÜKSEL, Ç. C., KATİPOĞLU ÖZMEN, C., Mekanlar/ Zamanlar/ İnsanlar: Kimlik, Aidiyet ve Mimarlık Tarihi, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, 2019, Ankara.

Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture, Graduate Program in Architectural History, Universiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupinar Bulvari, No:1, 06800 Cankaya, Ankara | TURKEY
Phone:+90 312 210 22 03 E -Mail: Chairperson: Assist. Prof. Dr. Pelin Yoncacı Arslan